Black Friday

Black Friday offers 2024

Black Friday starts Friday's midnight, November 29, and is up and running for 24 hours. As always, you will find the best online stores with Black Friday deals here - new offers every hour.

Best Black Friday promo codes


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What is Black Friday and how it’s possible to save more money

Every fourth Friday of November is called Black Friday. However, this is a day that has nothing in common with its gloomy name.

Black Friday is a real holiday for lovers of shopping, because on this day they can get a huge discount on a wide variety of goods. But Black Friday is a difficult day for trade workers, because they have to work more than on the other day of the year.

Black Friday is one of the brightest and most unforgettable Fridays of the year, it is a day of huge discounts and sales, it is a great solution for those who want to buy many goods at very low prices and thus to save money.

The traditional Christmas shopping season begins from Black Friday sales, when people can purchase a wide variety of goods at very competitive prices. The size of discounts ranges from 30 to 90% depending on groups of goods.

It all started back in the 19th century, when the largest retail chains began to organize grandiose Christmas sales, stimulating customers to buy Black Friday specials with incredible discounts, bonuses, special gifts, etc. And the term Black Friday appeared much much later — only in the middle of the 20th century.

How Black Friday appeared?

A lot of people can wonder what is Black Friday. There are two generally accepted versions about its name. There is information that the term was first used by police in Philadelphia due to terrible traffic jams on Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day. Store owners decided to use it for the period of shopping fever. This is not surprising, because during this day everybody buys more gifts, goods for the festive table, and decorations for their houses than throughout the year.

An integral attribute of Black Friday, starting in the 40s of the last century, is the traditional annual duel in American football between Navy Midshipman and Army Black Knits. In the evening, a significant amount of Philadelphia residents gathered to watch the match, which only exacerbated the difficult traffic situation.

Gradually, the situation with Black Friday reached the point when people began to take days off, so as to take the line to the store early and be the first to snatch goods with frantic discounts. Shops opened earlier and worked longer, and in 2001, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Target and several more retailers opened their doors at midnight for the first time.

With the popularization of online shopping, things have become much easier. Now it’s enough to choose a store, find its official website and add goods into basket. Also, a lot of stores have additional offers, for example, Amazon. Using Amazon Black Friday promo code, a person can buy goods even with bigger discount.

In 1949, Black Friday gave rise to another phenomenon — “doorbuster”. People literally torn down the doors to Walmart in New York. And this is not the last case. Broken showcases and shelves are a common situation for this day.

Finally, there is another version according to which this day is called black. Since this sale is very profitable for stores, they abandoned the negative association with its name. Therefore, sellers borrowed the value of black from accounting, where black ink indicates profit, and red ink indicates expenses.

One way or another, this tradition of grand sales gained such popularity that it quickly spread to other countries. Hundreds of millions of people around the world buy even the oldest goods, bringing monthly profits to sellers.

Today Black Friday is a popular international trend. Giant manufactures offer special prices not only for American clients. Accordingly, Adidas Black Friday deals can be found also on its European websites.

But in America this day is loved most of all. On the eve, before midnight, there are so many visitors in huge shopping malls and small shops of all cities — prudent buyers take the line in advance, and some even spend the night at closed doors. After all, the first buyers will get the most precious goods. A unique record was set several years ago by a woman who spent 12 days near an electronics store to get inside the first one. Some buyers even set up tents at the shops to wait in comfort.

It would seem that such a “generous” policy should bring losses to the trade. However, a large flow of buyers fully compensates low prices, and the purchase of goods becomes simply a “necessity” for people.

Thus, stores just kill three birds at one: they attract a large flow of customers, ensure the rapid movement of goods and make good profits. By the way, not only discounted or unpopular goods are usually purchased. Since the seller, in any case, remains the winner, therefore, Black Friday deals 2024 can be found even for the best goods in stock. In addition, traditionally manufacturers of home appliances try to release a new product line during this period. So they not only stimulate demand, but also advertise something new.

Another important distinguishing feature of Black Friday — to return goods purchased on this day is considered bad manners. Therefore, the percentage of returns is small, which is also good for all stores. But buyers also benefit, because many pre-plan their purchases and buy them on Black Friday with great benefit. And they can find Black Friday best deals 2024 almost in all categories of goods, from food to vacuum cleaners. Traditionally the most popular are electronics, clothes and toys.

Although huge crowds of people storm stores and buy everything from socks to huge TV sets, they have no time to consider and think twice, and sometimes they even get injuries, the popularity of this event does not become less. And in general, this shopping festival brings real satisfaction to all its participants.

Black Friday in Europe

In Europe, Black Friday is a little different. Of course, the tradition of making discounts on the eve of Christmas remains, but everything happens more decorously and noble. In many European countries, the discount percentage at retail outlets is controlled by the state, and it’s not as significant and in the US. And recently, more and more Europeans prefer buying all necessary goods without leaving their homes.

The first official sales in Europe were indicated at the end of the 18th century. However, in full size Black Friday reached Europe just a few years ago — in Germany a discount aggregator site was launched only in 2013- more than 1.2 million people visited it during Black Friday.

Now, well-known world brands try to lower their prices as much as possible, to satisfy the interests of consumers and offer Black Friday coupons 2024 with even bigger discounts.

Where to buy?

It’s no secret that the online giant Amazon is the best buy Black Friday 2024 store. It has a simple interface and all users can easily find all the necessary goods. True, Amazon is not a single store, but a marketplace. It’s the platform where thousands of sellers display their products in a common virtual space.

Amazon Black Friday deals in many categories start about a week before the date, and they last about two weeks after.

Walmart, Amazon’s traditional rival, has also never stood away from holiday sales. This store is one of the most popular places to buy children’s toys. Walmart Black Friday 2024 will begin on Thanksgiving. A chain of stores will be open the whole day, as usual, but the best Black Friday prices will be available at 18:00 on the company’s website, and at 00:01 in stores. The most of the discounts will be available online, and some of them will be exclusively online.

The same can be said about other well-known stores: JCPenney, Macy’s, Ebay, Sam’s club, Carter’s, Nike and Adidas.

For example, Macy’s Black Friday starts on November 24 online, and runs through Black Friday, November 24. Some Macys Black Friday deals will be available just in stores, while others will be just online. Don’t worry: most of Macy’s Black Friday promo codes will be for online purchases.

With the advent of Black Friday Carters pleases users with advantageous offers: discounts sometimes can be up to 50-60%. In most cases, they apply to all categories of goods on the site, and for individual positions can reach 70%. But in order to save on purchases as much as possible, it is worth exploring additional opportunities for obtaining discounts in advance.

The site actively uses the practice of sending promo codes, and Carter’s Black Friday coupons are an exceptional opportunity to buy even more quality items at affordable prices. To be aware of all current promotions and have access to additional promos, subscribe to the site’s email notifications.

Nike is developing every year, trying to surprise potential customers with new models of clothing and shoes. Therefore, every season, its goods are updated and the company does not cease to please customers with their widest range.

In regular seasonal sales, Nike provides discounts of no more than 25-35%, but during Nike Black Friday they can be up to 50% or more.

Secrets of Successful Shopping

According to statistics of Google, the average consumer begins to prepare for Black Friday in 5-6 weeks before it, tentatively in mid-October. And it’s not just about budget planning and making a list of potential purchases, but also a preliminary search for discount programs, promotional codes, announced closed sales for regular customers and so on.

When is Black Friday 2024? This year the most massive sale of the year begins on November 24.

Some stores prefer to open early, and some even agree to work around the clock. You need to understand that Black Friday only begins on Friday, and it can continue for several days, and even the whole next week.

Naturally, the most profitable and popular products are sold out instantly. And in order not to get confused by the huge number of offers, it is best to prepare in advance. To do this, use our checklist:

  1. Sign up for the newsletter, where you will find additional information and the store will send you a reminder and a list of the most advantageous offers. Using Macy’s Black Friday coupon will help save extra money.
  2. Think carefully about what the goods you need and make a list so as not to spend more money than planned. In online stores, add items to the basket or to the wishlist in advance. There is another secret for making a list of necessary purchases. Be sure to number them in order of importance. Then the chances of buying the most necessary things increase significantly, even if there is enough money for the minor ones. In addition, you need to try not to succumb to the general hype and not to deviate from the plan.
  3. Check the cost of goods in stores before the sale. There are unscrupulous sellers who make a discount less or simply indicate that the item is at a discount, although the cost has remained the same.
  4. Make your purchases in the first hours of the sale, while you still have the things you need at a bargain price.
  5. The best offers scatter very quickly, there were cases when goods disappeared in the first hour of the sale. It’s better to get up on Black Friday early, as Amazon Black Friday sale is the most popular one and good deals can end unexpectedly.
  6. Do not get distracted by trifles or discounts on unnecessary goods: while you choose penny t-shirts, cool cups and cheap photo frames, someone buys TV of your dreams.
  7. The main day of the sale, of course, is Friday. That is why you should not leave purchases for the next days. All the hottest offers can be received on this day.

What sales will come next?

No wonder we all are waiting for Black Friday for a whole year. After all, this is a great opportunity to purchase not only everyday goods, but also a lot of things for New Year’s gifts. Just one month separates Black Friday sale from the end of the year. So it’s time to prepare interesting and long-awaited New Year surprises for friends and relatives. Sale is a great way to invest in the planned budget, and to save money.

However, Black Friday is followed, of course, by Cyber Monday. This is a logical continuation of the Friday sale, one of the main events in the world of online shopping. A little less pompous and crazy, but still large-scale.

After it, you can relax for a week and then rush into the abyss of Christmas sales.