ProtonMail promo codes, discounts and deals ⭐ February 2025
6 offers available
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Free Proton Account Using ProtonMail Coupon Code
Grab this ProtonMail promo code to get end-to-end encrypted email service for free. In this plan you will get up to 1 GB mail storage, 1 email address for 1 user, which is ideal for individual use.
Number of uses: 33
Maximum discount
Up to 38% ProtonMail Discount on 24 Month Plans
Discover this ProtonMail sale to save up to 38% on a 2 years plan and secure your email account with a variety of tools. Get up to 90 email addresses, unlimited folders, labels and filters.
Number of uses: 27
Up to 23% Off 1 Year Plan with ProtonMail Discount Code
Click on the ProtonMail coupon to save up to 23% on annual plans. Keep your emails private throughout the year with one of these plans – Mail Plus, Proton Unlimited or Proton Family.
Number of uses: 4
ProtonMail Deal: Save 20% on Mail Plus Plan
Check out the single user plan at the best price. Click on the ProtonMail coupon and pay for an email account for the whole year to get 20% off. The plan includes 10 email addresses and 15 GB storage.
Number of uses: 9
33% Off Family Plan with Proton Mail Promo Code
Discover this ProtonMail offer create secure email accounts for your family. Save 33% on a 2 years plan and get 3 TB total storage, 90 email addresses, unlimited folders and labels for up to 6 users.
Number of uses: 29
Proton Mail Bridge with Any Plan Using ProtonMail Voucher
Use secure email on any device. Pay attention to this ProtonMail promotion and download free Proton Mail Bridge for end-to-end encryption to popular email apps, if you are a paid subscriber.
Number of uses: 9
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ProtonMail is an email service provider with end-to-end encryption and anonymity to its users. It is a leading advocate for privacy and fair internet with no ads. Besides, it is open-sourced, and independently audited. Even the company itself cannot access your data. It also offers an encrypted calendar, cloud storage, VPN, and secure password manager. Many of its features are free, but if you want to buy extended tools you should use a ProtonMail discount code to maximize your savings.